Thursday, July 10, 2008

Under my feet baby......

I have moved 23, no, 24 times in 29 years. TWENTY-FOUR times. I am a minority. I LIKE change. Or I did. Maybe its catching up to me. I never was concerned about living far away from my family. I mean I loved them but I was living in EUROPE or where ever it was at the moment. I would get a major hankering (yes HANKERING) to be with my family about twice a year I would make the trek to my mom's and by the end of my week long visit I was good. I had my fill for a bit. It wasn't that I didn't love my family. I did and do. I just didn't feel the need to be close to them. But something happened it the past year or two. I think I became an OFFICIAL grown up because I actually crave my mother. I miss her terribly. I want to live close enough to have a day out with her. I want my sisters to live there too. I crave FAMILY. I crave it SO much I am willing to move to TEXAS.*shudders* I am not a big fan of Texas. I don't have any GRUDGE against the state but I always pictured myself settling somewhere in New England or somewhere else really pretty. Some place with 4 seasons and a coast and mountains. Or my dream IRELAND!!! Texas is just not on the list. Yet, here I am. Itching to be back in Texas. I am looking at real estate and salary charts and dreaming......of TEXAS.

1 comment:

MandyAnn75 said...

What a beautiful blog. It made me ache. It made me miss you and made me wish for more experiences together. The video reminded me of our trek to Arizona a couple years ago just you me and 4 kids.

Also it inspired me to delve into the blogging world... maybe.